Central Carolina Community College wants to make sure you can get help when you need it. Browse resources below or contact support.

Contact Support

Students who are taking 澳门黄金城赌城 courses via distance education from outside North America might experience difficulties with accessing Blackboard and other college resources via the Portal.  Students in these situations should contact the Help Desk at IThelpdesk@noujcf.com for assistance in resolving any access issues while abroad.

Blackboard Helpdesk

Blackboard Support can assist you 24 hours a day with your Blackboard issues.
(866) 834-6894 (toll-free 24 hours)
(919) 718-7529

Cougarmail and Portal

The Helpdesk can assist you with your Cougarmail and 澳门黄金城赌城 Portal issues.
(919) 718-7397
(800) 682-8353 ext. 7397 (toll-free)

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